What Does a Structural Engineer Know That Other Engineers Do Not Know? (Infographic)

During the construction and development of a structure, quite a few certified engineers, i.e., civil, mechanical, electrical, and structural engineers, are often retained to ensure that the structure can serve the owner’s as well as the occupant’s needs in a safe, efficient, and cost-effective manner. But while all these engineers share some common engineering practices, each of these disciplines holds specialized knowledge and expertise – all of which are crucial to the construction, operational efficiency and overall cost of the structure.

A structural engineer, in particular, is just one of the many engineering professionals often hired by many real estate investors and businesses these days. While originally categorized as an area of specialization of civil engineering, advances in science and architecture have made structural engineering into a separate discipline and now one of the most important roles in today’s construction industry.

In this infographic, we will detail everything that makes a structural engineer different from other professional licensed engineers, and how their unique role adds value to every project they work with.

What Does A Structural Engineer Know That Other Engineers Do Not Know